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Plot Summary


Kristin Cashore
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Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2012

Plot Summary

The third entry in the Graceling Realm series, Bitterblue is a 2012 young-adult fantasy novel written by American author Kristin Cashore. Set in Monsea, one of the seven Kingdoms of Graceling, the story follows Queen Bitterblue eight years after the events of the first novel, Graceling. Now in charge at eighteen years old, Queen Bitterblue is determined to rule the land on her own accord and restore glory to her disgraced kingdom. In order to rebuild the kingdom left in ruins by her late malevolent father, King Leck, Bitterblue dons a disguise and begins a truth-seeking campaign in the city. Along the way, she becomes romantically entangled with Saf, a thief who may hold the secret to King Leck’s devastating legacy. Bitterblue was named a New York Times best-seller, a Kirkus Reviews and Publishers Weekly Best Book of 2012, and the 2012 American Library Association Best Fiction for Young Adults.

Narrated in limited third person perspective, the story begins eight years after the events of Graceling. King Leck, the evil ruler who’s “Grace” was brainwashing the masses into believing lies, is now dead. His daughter Bitterblue, now eighteen years old and ready to assume the throne in earnest, has ascended to Queen of Monsea. Yet all she does is remain isolated in her castle, doing endless paperwork and acting as a figurehead rather than a queen. No longer willing to let her advisors Darby, Rood, Runnemood, and Thiel govern on her behalf, Bitterblue is ready to take action and undo the atrocities King Leck subjected Monsea to.

Bitterblue disguises herself as a servant and heads into the city at night, seeking the truth about Leck. She stops at a tavern, which she learns is a story-room. The locals tell Bitterblue many true stories, including how Lady Katsa rescued Bitterblue by killing Leck. Bitterblue often frequents the story-room to learn about Leck, and eventually meets thieves Teddy and Sapphire (Saf), who is also a Graceling.

While signing charters, Bitterblue is consumed by thoughts of Saf stealing gargoyle statues from her castle. But when she inquires, Bitterblue is told there were no statues to begin with. She’s been deceived. Bitterblue again meets up with the thieves and learns that Teddy is a writer who is penning a book of words and illustrations. The two men ask for Bitterblue’s real name, but she tells them to call her whatever they wish. After failing to come up with a colorful moniker, they settle on the name “Sparks.”

Later on, Teddy is stabbed with a dagger and nearly killed. Bitterblue is sent to find a healer named Roke, but instead contacts her own healer, Madlen. This angers Saf because he’s distrustful of castle dwellers, but once Saf realizes Madlen has greater healing powers than Roke, he’s thankful. Soon after, Saf admits to not knowing what his personal Grace is.

Back in Monsea, Lord Danzhol attempts to kidnap Bitterblue, which prompts Bitterblue to kill the him. Po (Bitterblue’s cousin) seeks the reason for the kidnapping attempt and learns that a Graceling with a knack for disguises is involved. When Bitterblue checks up on Teddy, she learns his parents’ printing shops have been destroyed, and that it isn’t a coincidence. Bitterblue begins questioning the history of her kingdom and realizes she’s been deliberately deceived for years to appease Leck.

Saf, who is trying to find his sister, Bren, explains that he only steals items that were previously stolen from others by Leck. Katsa arrives, and Bitterblue finds more answers about her father’s vile behavior from Death, the librarian. Bitterblue learns Leck had certain books burned and that her advisors are former healers, which may explain why Leck ordered such widespread annihilation of all living creatures.

Disguised as Sparks, Bitterblue visits the city with Saf. There, they must evade those who are intent on killing them. Upon returning, Po tells Bitterblue her sculptures have been stolen.

The next night Bitterblue visits the city, she comes across a kissing festival. She kisses Saf and realizes she has romantic feelings for him that she never felt before. Because of this, Bitterblue flees. She’s almost kidnapped once more, but is saved by Hava, the disguise-adept Graceling.

When she learns Saf is on trial for murder, Bitterblue visits the court undisguised, and Saf recognizes her as the Queen. This upsets Saf, but he is saved in the nick of time by Po, who proves Saf’s alibi. Unable to forgive Bitterblue, Saf steals her crown and gives it to a black marketer named Spook.

Bitterblue discovers deciphered messages left in the bed sheets by her mother, and learns more about Leck’s treachery. She finds that Leck forced his advisors to mutilate his animals and people, and turned the river into a mass graveyard. Bitterblue discovers her advisors have been deliberately lying to her for her entire life. She learns that Runnemood murdered nine prisoners before disappearing, Darby hanged himself, and Thiel plummeted off a bridge, but Rood refused to end his life because he has grandchildren.

Saf and Madlen go to the river to retrieve the bones left in the wake of Leck’s destructive reign. Bitterblue discovers Leck’s journals and has them translated by Death. Bitterblue reconciles with Saf and learns that his Grace is giving dreams. That night, they consummate their love for one another.

Katsa locates the tunnels headed back to the Dells, meeting Fire along the way. Katsa takes Fire back to Bitterblue City, where she meets and befriends Bitterblue. They learn Leck was from Monsea all along and must have returned after conquering the Dells. Madlen is revealed to be a healer from the Dells, not a Graced one. The novel concludes with Saf returning to the Dells with Fire while remaining friends with Bitterblue.

Bitterblue follows Graceling and Fire as the third book of the Graceling Realm series. Cashore has written one additional standalone novel, Jane, Unlimited, published in 2017.

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