
66 pages 2 hours read

Sabaa Tahir

A Reaper at the Gates

Sabaa TahirFiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2018

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Part 1, Chapters 1-10Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 1: “The King of No Name”

Part 1, Chapter 1 Summary: “The Nightbringer”

The chapter begins with a flashback of the Nightbringer surrounded by his queen and children. The queen cautions the Nightbringer not to love so fiercely because obsession can lead to violence. The Nightbringer promises that nothing will happen to her and their children but vows to obliterate anyone who hurts them. The flashback ends with the Nightbringer declaring that within a year, he broke both promises.

In the present day, the Nightbringer looks at a diamond called the Star, a weapon powerful enough to both imprison and free the jinn. The Star is missing a piece, damaged when the Scholars imprisoned the jinn. The Nightbringer unites the Star with the armlet on his wrist, and the Star glows after receiving its missing piece.

The Nightbringer is surrounded by his allies: the Wraith Lord, ghouls, and efrit queens and kings. Not even the empire’s Masks, an elite group of soldiers, can detect the magical creatures. The Nightbringer wants the Wraith Lord to deliver a document to Helene Aquilla, who is the Blood Shrike, the Empire’s deadliest warrior. After the Wraiths and the air efrits leave, he addresses the remaining efrits—snow, wing, sea, cave, and sand—and the ghouls. He tells the ghouls to spread destruction and the efrits to help their Southern allies wreak havoc and conjure dark beings. He asks all the creatures to accomplish these tasks in six months, by the time the Grain Moon rises. The Nightbringer feels uneasy betraying Laia, whom he loves, but forges ahead with his plans. He hears his queen’s voice in his head, pleading with him to not go down the path of vengeance, but he suppresses her voice.

Part 1, Chapter 2 Summary: “Laia”

Laia and her brother Darin, who was recently freed from prison, are in the middle of a raid. They are in a Martial village close to Antium and the Waiting Place, but the village looks empty. Laia becomes invisible, a newly acquired power, and goes to unlock the ghost wagons containing prisoners. Laia and Darin, alongside Afya Ara-Nur and her people, have freed over 400 imprisoned Scholars and Tribesmen in the past two months.

While the soldiers are busy settling camps, Laia tries to unlock the first wagon. She thinks about Elias, who was supposed to come over from the Waiting Place and help them with the raid. Laia wonders if Shaeva found out Elias helped Laia rescue Darin. She hopes he is not being punished. Normally, Laia would not risk so much, but these caravans hold Mamie Rila and the Saif people, who sacrificed their freedom so Laia could rescue Darin.

Once she has opened all the locks, the Tribespeople kill the Martial soldiers with poisoned darts. Laia’s allies do not have Serric steel blades, and without Serric blades, the Tribespeople’s blades cannot stand against Martial weapons. Laia hears shouting and fighting and runs to see Afya’s fighters battling Empire soldiers. Laia notices the soldiers die quickly and surmises someone else must be helping them. Darin informs her that Mamie Rila is not in the caravans, and Laia assumes that Mamie Rila is in the village. Since Laia has the power of invisibility, she offers to find her. She insists on going alone. In the village, she finds Mamie Rila tied to a chair. Just then, a hand locks around her mouth, and another arm wrenches her hands back.

Part 1, Chapter 3 Summary: “Elias”

Elias is on his way to escaping the Waiting Place when he is caught by Shaeva, who chastises him for sneaking away rather than focusing on his training as a Soul Catcher. Shaeva drags Elias away to the “red jinn grove” (15) where the jinn are imprisoned; Elias hates it here because the jinn get inside his mind.

Shaeva constructs wards around the grove, instructing Elias to soothe a ghost child. Elias insists on helping the others, and Shaeva says she will let him go if he can help the ghost child. Elias tries to protect his mind against the jinn, but they taunt him with thoughts of his loved ones dying. Unlike Shaeva, he cannot channel the magic of the Waiting Place to quieten them. Elias asks what will happen if he cannot help the ghosts pass from the Waiting Place. Shaeva tells him that the human world will end. She advises him to let go of the human world and embrace his role as Soul Catcher, pointing out that Mauth, who is Death itself and the source of all fey power, will help him if Elias embraces the Waiting Place. Elias points out that magic does not come easily to him since he is mortal.

Shaeva shares that she is worried about the increasing number of ghosts and the Nightbringer’s plans. Elias again pleads to help his friends and family. Shaeva warns him not to die, since she will not be able to revive him again, and lets him go. As soon as Elias leaves the Waiting Place, he feels Mauth’s magic pulling at him, urging him to turn back. He resists and goes to the village. Noticing how quiet it is, Elias realizes he has stepped into a trap.

Part 1, Chapter 4 Summary: “The Blood Shrike”

Helene restrains and subdues Laia. Helene has been ordered to quell Commandant Keris Veturia by the Emperor Marcus. If she fails, Marcus will kill Helene’s only remaining family, her sister Livia, the empress. Captains Avitas Harper and Dex Atrius are with Helene, and Helene orders them to secure the perimeter. Helene tells Laia she will remove the gag is Laia does not scream. However, Laia immediately accuses Helene of being a monster since Mamie Rila has clearly been tortured. Helene slaps Laia to quieten her but feels horrible. Helene healed Laia previously and has a bond with her; the Nightbringer had warned Helene of the consequences of using her gift.

Regardless, Helene must capture Laia, who has been spearheading the raids. Helene has hidden the raids from the empire because Marcus’s power is tenuous, and the various Tribes and Clans are displeased with the empire as well. However, Helene lies and says she is not here for Laia. Laia realizes that Helene also wants Elias.

Elias arrives and tells Helene to stop what she is doing, but Helene knows she must capture both Elias and Laia. The two try to negotiate. Elias tells Helene that if she lets Mamie Rila and Laia go, he will go with her. However, Helene will only let Mamie Rila go; she needs both Elias and Laia. Elias tells Helene his conditions: “You will let Laia down […]. You will not gag me. And you’ll keep your bleeding distance, Blood Shrike” (30). Helene thinks about what her father said before his death: “You are all that holds back the darkness” (30). She knows that she must be cruel for everyone’s sake.

Part 1, Chapter 5 Summary: “Laia”

Harper takes Mamie Rila and leaves her in a safe location. Laia wonders how she and Elias can escape when Dex announces that their horses are gone. Elias confirms he let the horses go. Helene tells Dex to find more horses. Elias tells Helene that using him to find his mother will not work. He tells Helene to find his grandfather, Quin, who will know how to defeat Keris. Helene shares her suspicion that Keris and the Nightbringer are planning something. She does not have time to chase Quin Veturius. When Helene turns away from them, Laia creates a distraction by kicking Harper on his foot. Elias attacks Helene, while Harper drags Laia back. Helene stabs Elias with a knife. Shaeva appears then disappears with the wounded Elias. Helene keeps Laia at knifepoint and demands to know where Elias went; Laia explains that Elias is the new Soul Catcher.

Helene observes that it would be more merciful to kill Laia than take her to Marcus, but Harper unbinds Laia’s wrists and quietly tells her to leave. Laia realizes she and Helene have similar pain since both of their families were killed by the Empire. She gives her condolences to Helene, then turns invisible and escapes from the cottage.

Part 1, Chapter 6 Summary: “Elias”

In Shaeva’s cabin in the Waiting Place, Elias experiences a vision of hanging over an ocean. A voice in his head warns him of the coming darkness.

Elias wakes and remembers that Laia was left in danger. He tries to leave the cabin and comes across a ghost called The Wisp, who asks him about her “lovey” (39). Shaeva enters and informs Elias that he is still recovering and should be in bed. Elias tries to ask about Mamie Rila and Laia, but Shaeva warns him to stop getting distracted from his duties. Elias implies he cannot live without human contact and that he loves Laia, and Shaeva sympathizes with him. She once loved someone, too, and ignored her duties, which caused a lot of suffering. She warns Elias that love cannot be a reality for Soul Catchers. Elias asks for a day to get his affairs in order. Shaeva gives him a few hours.

However, before Elias can leave, Shaeva has a dark vision about the future: “The executioner has arisen. The traitor walks free. Beware! The Reaper approaches, flames in his wake, and he shall set this world alight” (42). Elias tries to help Shaeva, but she tells him to remember everything she said. Shaeva warns Elias that soon he will suffer the consequences of his vow to her and asks him not to hate her. The chapter ends with Elias realizing that the Nightbringer has arrived in the Waiting Place.

Part 1, Chapter 7 Summary: “The Blood Shrike”

Helene, Harper, and Dex arrive at Antium. Helene fears how Marcus will hurt Livia for their failures. After Dex and Harper leave, she goes to see Marcus, who sits on his throne, Livia beside him, hiding her bruises with makeup. When Helene kneels, Marcus orders the guards to clear the room. He then shows Helene a letter sent by Keris asking for more soldiers to help with raids in Navium. Marcus yells that Keris is planning something. He accuses Helene of incompetence and failing in her duties as Blood Shrike. As a punishment, Marcus breaks Livia’s fingers in front of Helene.

Marcus orders Helene to go to Navium and overthrow Keris. Marcus wants this accomplished by the Grain Moon, which is in five months. He asks for reports every three days, and if he is unsatisfied with Helene’s progress, he vows to break more of Livia’s bones.

Part 1, Chapter 8 Summary: “Laia”

After running for hours, Laia finally reaches Afya and Darin. Mamie Rila is being treated for her injuries, and Afya’s Tribe is taking the freed prisoners to the Tribal lands. Laia quickly explains her encounter with Helene. They cannot partake in more raids because it has become risky. She invites Laia and Darin to join her Tribe, which is rare, since Tribes are only joined through adoption or marriage. In return, Afya wants Darin to forge Serric steel for the Tribes. Darin—says nothing. Afya describes the growing tensions between the Empire and different Tribes. Previous emperors maintained the peace treaty with the Tribes, but Marcus does not care. The Tribes need Serric steel to defend themselves.

Speaking privately with Laia, Darin confesses that he does not know if he remembers how to make weapons. While they talk, the ghosts in the Waiting Place call Laia’s name and accuse her of being complicit in a crime: “He’s here. He’s come. Because of you. Because of what you did” (56). Alarmed, Laia and Darin head to Shaeva’s cabin in the Waiting Place. When they arrive, Shaeva tells Laia that what she seeks is in Adisa and warns about a treacherous Beekeeper. Suddenly, the Nightbringer interrupts them. Restraining Elias, Darin, and Laia with his magic, he stabs Shaeva through the heart. Before she bursts into flames and dies, Shaeva tells a final prophecy about how the Nightbringer will free the jinn.

As the Nightbringer advances toward Elias, Laia breaks out of his magic with her power. The Nightbringer, realizing that Elias and Laia love each other, taunts Elias about how he seduced Laia. After Elias uses his own powers to break out of the Nightbringer’s hold, the Nightbringer disappears. The chapter ends with Darin and Laia deciding to go to Adisa to learn how to stop him.

Part 1, Chapter 9 Summary: “Elias”

With Shaeva dead, the full responsibility of the Waiting Place falls on Elias’s shoulders. When Laia asks, he confirms Shaeva is dead, then tells Laia and Darin that the fastest way to get to Adisa is through the forest. Elias windwalks Laia and Darin toward Adisa. In his head, he hears the jinn whisper that he will fail as Soul Catcher. They also remind him that all his loved ones will die before him since they are mortal and the Soul Catcher is not.

They reach the edge of the forest and can see the cottage where Darin recovered after breaking free from prison. Darin thanks Elias, and Elias tells him to stay alive. Elias and Laia don’t want to say goodbye to each other. Elias gives Laia an unfinished armlet he made for her and advises Laia to be careful in Adisa. The two refuse to say goodbye to each other and share a kiss. Elias imagines living a full life with Laia and growing old with her. Laia tells Elias that he is cruel to promise her something she wants and take it away. Elias vows they will meet again, and Laia tearfully tells him not to lie. Laia walks away from Elias. He hopes she will turn back to look at him, but she does not.

Part 1, Chapter 10 Summary: “The Blood Shrike”

Helene is in the Black Guard barracks reading spy reports from various corners of the empire, but she pays close attention to reports from Tiborum, since the Karkaun clans have been unnaturally quiet. Helene slips out to meet with her sister secretly, but Harper intercepts her and takes her to Livia through a more secure passageway. Helene and Harper arrive at the Hall of Records, where they meet Cain. Helene hates Cain, since he thinks he could have saved her family by warning them about Marcus’s plans, and moves to strike him. Cain, an Augur, one of the 14 holy men and women of the Empire, uses his powers to stop her. He tells Helene that he has a message from Livia. Livia asks to see Helene, so Helene continues to her room.

The sisters talk, and Livia brings Helene to a spy hole that Livia uses to spy on Marcus. Through the spyhole, they see Marcus talking and arguing with himself. Livia reveals she is pregnant with Marcus’s child, and the sisters realize they can overthrow Marcus as long as Livia’s child is protected, since the child is the heir to the Empire’s throne. Livia reveals the child will be born by the Grain Moon. Helene asks Livia to tell Marcus that she is pregnant so he won’t abuse her, but she warns her not to tell anyone else.

The chapter ends with Livia telling Helene to escape, and Helene escaping while listening to Marcus beat Livia.

Part 1, Chapters 1-10 Analysis

A Reaper at the Gates is written from multiple perspectives, mostly alternating between Laia, Helene (the Blood Shrike), and Elias, with the first and last chapters narrated by the Nightbringer as a framing device. Since each protagonist is in a different setting and has their own journey, this changing first-person narrative voice allows readers to get close to each character. Chapter 1 starts with the Nightbringer’s memories about his queen, who warns him not to become hateful. The Nightbringer is the main antagonist and master plotter in the series; he ensures that everything goes according to his plan, that all the pieces fall where he intends them to fall. Just as the queen feared, he is consumed by his hunger for revenge and his need to avenge the imprisoned jinn and his murdered family. His character arc highlights The Danger of Revenge as Motivation. The chapter sheds some light on the Nightbringer’s past and history, touching on his devotion to his family and the tragic loss of his family, both of which drive his current motivations. They also establish that he was once full of love, but that love has been corrupted by his quest for power and vengeance, which provides a foundation for the story’s exploration of The Corrupting Nature of Power. Subsequent chapters mostly alternate between Laia, Elias, and Helene’s perspectives.

In addition to revenge and power and corruption, Part 1 also establishes The Duality of Oppression and Resistance as a major theme. Laia and Darin’s raid of the Empire’s wagons represents one of many battles of resistance against oppression in the novel. Resistance comes with risk: Laia’s group completes the raid despite its dangers to honor Mamie Rila and Tribe Saif, who in turn sacrificed themselves to ensure that Laia and Elias succeeded in freeing Darin from Kauf Prison, as seen in the previous book A Torch Against the Night. Each of these choices illustrate the risk and sacrifice that’s inherent in any attempt to resist and overthrow an oppressive force. The resistance seen here is part of Laia’s broader fight against the Empire’s cruel, unjust, and oppressive treatment of the Scholars and the Tribes who have been wrongly imprisoned and tortured under Marcus’s rule. In defying the Empire, the resistance forces erode its power and regain some of their own agency. This creates a ripple effect that galvanizes other Tribes, who revolt against the Empire by attacking Martial villages and gathering to unite against the Empire’s forces. Thus, Laia’s storyline also underscores to the importance of helping others despite risks to oneself, as doing so inspires faith and hope and enables the formation of alliances that lend the resistance greater strength through numbers.

The first part of the novel also exposes some of the characters’ struggle to find balance between duty and desire. In this way, Helene and Elias are foils of each other. Helene struggles to find a balance between her need to heal people and protect her loved ones versus her need to follow Marcus’s often cruel orders. Helene hates herself for hurting Mamie Rila and deciding to kill Laia, but she must do both to appease Marcus and ensure Livia’s safety. Similarly, Elias struggles to reconcile his duties as the Soul Catcher with his human desires. While he should be learning focusing on his duties and cultivating his magic, he cannot stop worrying about his family and loved ones. He constantly struggles to find a balance that allows him to do both—and this indecision has grave consequences in later chapters when the ghosts escape from the Waiting Place due to his split attention. As the novel progresses, both characters must mediate these internal conflicts, weighing sacrifices against consequences, and personal happiness against the greater good.

Helene and Laia are also foils. Though they are enemies in these early chapters, the narrative also draws parallels between them. In Chapter 5, for example, they share a meaningful moment. Recognizing that Helene has also lost most of her family to the Empire, Laia acknowledges their shared pain before running away to save herself. What’s more, Helene has a particular empathic connection with Laia after healing her earlier in the series. This foreshadows the possibility of mutual understanding and a deeper bond between the two characters, which develops toward the end of the novel.

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